Tips for Getting Hired as a Dental Assistant

Want to be a Certified Dental Assistant (CDA) but aren’t sure where to begin? Dental assisting is an in-demand career choice that is expected to grow by 25% between 2021 and 2022. Follow the steps below to improve your odds of landing your dream job.

#1 Education

The first step to getting hired is selecting a trade school that provides the training and education you require. While the State of Colorado doesn’t require certification to become a dental assistant, your job opportunities will be greatly limited without training. However, the state does require radiology training and certification before you can take x-rays.

Most dental offices only interview and hire candidates with formal training. At AIDA, basic CDA training (which includes taking and developing x-rays) can be completed in just 13 weeks. If you also complete the Extended Duties Dental Assisting training it takes 7 more weeks.

#2 Licensing

Once your training is complete, it’s time to get licensed. In Colorado, this means successful completion of the national DANB Radiation Health and Safety (RHS) exam or the national DANB Certified Dental Assistant (CDA) exam.

Again, without training and licensing, you won’t be able to take x-rays—which means you won’t stand out amongst your competition.

#3 Obtain Hands-On Practice

If you are new to the industry, you increase your odds of getting hired if you have hands-on practice. The easiest way to obtain hands-on practice is by selecting a school that provides training in a live dental clinic—such as AIDA. In our curriculum, your time will be split between the classroom and the clinic. Not only does this increase your odds of landing a job, but your confidence as you interview and start working.

Other ways to obtain hands-on practice are through internships and volunteering.

#4 Perfect Your Resume

Now it’s time to update your online and printed CV, focusing more on your online CV.

Currently, 75% of hiring managers use online applicant tracking programs. Utilizing the keywords and language dental offices include in their job listings ensures your resume populates. To increase these odds, it may be worth investing in a professional resume writer.

In addition to infusing your resume with keywords, you need to win over your prospective employer. Playing up your hands-on practice will make your resume stand out. However, you must not forget to include the soft skills that are essential for success.

This includes:

  • Attention to detail
  • Ability to follow instructions
  • Strong communication skills
  • Ability to work as part of a team
  • Strong organizational skills
  • Ability to work in a fast-paced environment
  • Empathy, compassion, and people skills

#5 Practice Your Interview Skills

CDAs are often the first face patients see when they enter the dental clinic. So, you must demonstrate your people skills during your interview. It’s not uncommon to be nervous during an interview, so don’t aim to be perfect. Aim to be friendly, confident, and authentic. Also, ensure eye contact while interviewing. Practice makes perfect, so practice your interview skills with friends and family.

Follow up by sending a snail mail or email thank you the day after your interview. This will further highlight your interpersonal skills.

If you are turned down for the job, you may be added to the clinic’s short-list if another position opens up. So, even though you are disappointed, remain friendly and professional and thank your interviewer for their time.

Ready to Begin Your Dental Assistant Training?

The American Institute of Dental Assisting has convenient day, evening, and weekend classes designed for working adults. We invite you to reach out today to learn more!
