How to Choose a Dental Assisting School That’s Right for You?

How to Choose a Dental Assisting School That’s Right for You?

There are many factors to consider when choosing a dental assisting school. This includes understanding the duration of the program, when the classes are held, your payment options, post-completion licensing, and career placement assistance. Also, whether the school provides hands-on training in a live dental clinic. The tips below will help you make an informed decision and select a dental school that meets your individual needs. 

#1 State Requirements  

Different states have different requirements for dental assistants, so you’ll want to research what your state requires before you make your decision. In many states, you must complete accredited training and become certified in dental assisting. In the state of Colorado, there is no dental assisting certification. However, you do need to obtain radiology training and licensing. 

While certification is not required, not all dental clinics provide hands-on training, so going to a school that provides that training ensures you stand out from the competition. 

For students who plan on working outside of Colorado, the American Institute of Dental Assisting ensures you have the training required to prepare for the Dental Assisting National Board exam and certification 

#2 Class Duration and Time  

You aren’t alone if you will need to continue to work full or part-time while you obtain your education. So, you must identify a school that provides flexible evening and weekend classes.  

In addition to when classes are held, ensure you understand how long it will take to complete your training. The length of each program varies from one school to the next, and you may have a few different options. 

The American Institute of Dental Assisting (AIDA) in Colorado Springs offers a 13-week program for standard dental assisting. Many students continue on with an additional 7weeks of training to qualify as an Expanded Duties Dental Assistant 

If you only have the time or budget for 13 weeks, you can complete your EDDA training at any time after your initial training is complete.  

#3 Budget and Payment Options  

When choosing a dental assisting school, it’s important to consider your budget and payment options. During your free tour and consultation, we will talk you through many options to pay for school including: county grants, private funding, scholarships, and even flexible payment plan options. 

We also take great pride that AIDA costs significantly less than other local schools, and we provide hands-on experience you won’t get anywhere else 

#4 Hands-On Experience  

Our school provides each student with hands-on experience in our live dental clinic. You still have classroom time, but working directly with dentists and hygienists while you are in school is invaluable.  

It provides you with a level of confidence that you can’t achieve without real-life patient experience. It also helps to identify and resolve your areas of opportunity before you begin applying for jobs.  

Most of the schools in the area don’t provide real-life experience, so it will make your application stand out 

#5 Career Placement Assistance  

We want you to succeed, which is why we provide you with career placement assistance. This includes resume writing and review, interview training and tips, and advice on how to search for local jobs.  

AIDA’s reputation for quality training means that local dentists reach out to us when they are hiring. As a result, many of our students are hired by the dental practice they complete their externship with.  

Looking for a Dental Assisting School in Colorado Springs? 

If you are ready to get started or excited to learn more, reach out to the American Institute of Dental Assisting today. You can book a free tour of our school where you will learn more about the benefits of our program!  
